I have been asked very skeptically, Anne, you mean you’ve seen the Lord? Where . . . ? And I’ve answered with a deep, confident knowing, Yes, I’ve seen the Lord . . . during the hard times in my life . . . in dryness and darkness. Trial and turmoil. Storm and suffering. “Clouds” that obscure everything and everyone else . . . except the Lord.
- Describe a spiritual “desert.” See Exodus 15:22; 16:2-3.
- Where did God’s people see the LORD in Exodus 16:10?
- Describe John’s “desert” in Revelation 1:9. What was his experience there according to Revelation 1:9-16?
- Can you think of a time when you were spiritually dry, cut off from all that was familiar, yet met God in a fresh way?
- How are you encouraged by Isaiah 35:6 (KJV)? Exodus 17:1-6? Genesis 21:14-20?
- When have you floundered in the darkness of confusion or temptation, disappointment or depression?
- What did God promise His people in Exodus 19:9?
- How was Jonah in the dark, and what was his testimony in Jonah 2:1-3:2?
- The Psalmist in Psalm 40:2? Daniel in Daniel 6:1-28? Lazarus in John 11:14, 33-35, 38-44?
- How are you encouraged by Exodus 20:21? Psalm 97:2? 2 Samuel 22:29?
- What storms of disease, death, divorce, disaster or other upheavals, have come into your life? See Proverbs 1:27.
- Describe Ezekiel’s storm in Ezekiel 1:1-5, and whom he saw in Ezekiel 1:25-28.
- Describe the storm and the unique experience of the three Hebrew young men in Daniel 3:1-25.
- Describe Peter’s storm in Matthew 14:22-33, and what he discovered as a result.
- What do you learn about storms from these descriptions? from Job 40:6? Proverbs 10:25? Nahum 1:3?
- What does Jesus teach you from His own example in Luke 8:22-25?
While I understand that mountains can represent peaks and high points in our lives, they can also represent difficulties, obstacles, hardship and stress because of the effort required to “climb” them.
- Name some mountains in your life at present.
- How are you encouraged by Exodus 34:1-5? Genesis 22:14? Mark 9:2-8?
- Would you ask God to give you eyes to see the LORD in the midst of your desert, darkness, storm and mountain-sized hardship? Then open your eyes and look expectantly for Him . . .