
Behold He comes!

Sep 24, 2014

For as lightning that comes from the
east is visible even in the west, so
will be the coming of the Son of Man…
They will see the Son of Man coming on
the clouds of the sky, with power and
great glory.
Matthew 24: 27, 30

Robin Mark of Belfast, Northern Ireland, is one of my favorite worship leaders. And his original song, Days of Elijah, never ceases to fill me with a quiver of excitement and anticipation of the Lord’s return.

So I was thrilled to come across this video of our soldiers singing that song with such heartfelt animation!

What a fitting climax to the Left Behind video messages of the last four days as well as a wonderful transition to Rosh Hashana, the Feast of Trumpets, that begins at sundown tonight.

Keep looking up!


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