
The Asbury Revival: Latter Rains?

February 19, 2023

Therefore, be patient…until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. James 5:7 

Recently Tucker Carlson, FOX News host, asked what was going on at Asbury University in Wilmore, KY. He showed clips of the chapel packed with students and others who were singing and praying.

I would like to attempt an answer to his question, using the words of my husband’s nephew, Dr. John-Paul Lotz, who was sent by Regent University to observe firsthand what seems to be revival.

John-Paul texted me with this description: There was “no leader, no rival, no envy, no pride, all humility, meekness, gentle hearts, stumbling sinners, tender students serving thousands of curious visitors in their love for mercy without knowing they are doing so! It is legit. GenZ write-offs are graciously allowing us to peek in on this surprising work of God as they serve us like priests, unconsciously dragging us into the presence of the Lord through young, redeemed, romantic hearts for God. Christ is being honored, God is being glorified, the Spirit is at liberty. The real awkward cringe-worthy gawkers are the over forty’s like myself who can’t put down their phones. The Z’s left theirs at home…”  

Could what John-Paul observed be the beginning of the “latter rain”? An outpouring of God’s Spirit in one last great awakening before Jesus returns? Lord God, let it be so…for the glory of Your great name, for the salvation of our nation, for the revival of Your people. 


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