Be Ready to Meet Jesus

It is a blessing to know that because you have opened this link, you are seeking information about a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ — a relationship that will give you eternal security and confidence at the very moment you see Him face to face.  It is my privilege to share how to make sure you are ready to meet Jesus

Genesis 1:27 says that God created you in His image, meaning you were created with a capacity to know your Creator in a personal relationship.  Colossians 1:16 says you were created by Jesus Christ and for Him.  Therefore, knowing Him in a personal way is the key to human fulfillment and satisfaction.  That’s why God has just given us Jesus, that He might open the way into a personal, permanent relationship with the Father.

Any personal relationship requires the investment of time.  For instance, what kind of relationship would you have with your spouse, if you only spend one hour with him each week?  How can we expect to have a close personal relationship with God when we only give Him one hour on Sunday morning?  Even though you may be in a good church, there is no substitute for time spent alone with God in prayer and Bible study.


Then based on faith in God’s Word, pray as follows:

  • Confess to God you are a sinner. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
    Name specific sins as well as the general sin of not having a right relationship with Him.
  • Repent of your sin, which simply means that you are willing to stop sinning and turn away from it with His help.
  • Ask God to cleanse and forgive you of your sin through the blood of Jesus Christ shed at the cross. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9)
  • Invite Jesus to come into your life as your Savior, taking control of your life as Lord. “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and live with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20)
  • Thank Him by faith for having now done what you have asked Him to do in #3 and #4. “As many as received Jesus, to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” (John 1:12) “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
  • Once having made this transaction with God, you have established a personal relationship with Him through faith in Jesus Christ. Do not go on feelings or emotions. Believe God’s Word that you have been spiritually “born again” into God’s family. (John 3:3) You are now a child of God, and one day will live with Him forever in His heavenly Home.

Just-The-Beggingin-_-Picuture-Box21. Pray.

Prayer is just talking to God. Be sure to make time each day to talk to Him about your daily activities, quickly confessing to Him when you do something wrong, asking for His help and thanking Him when He gives it. Remember, God loves you! He is now your Father and you are His child. He longs to hear from you through prayer.

2. Read your Bible.

In prayer you are speaking to God, but through the Bible, God will speak to you. Therefore, make time every day to read it, even if you only read a few verses. Ask God to help you understand what you read. (See below for some suggested helpful and free resources).

3. Make Christian friends.

As you seek to please God, you will be living differently from most people. It is very important to have Christian friends with whom you can pray and read the Bible. If you are not in a church, ask around to find a good church that loves Jesus and teaches the Bible.

4. Tell others about Jesus.

Ask God to give you opportunities to talk about Jesus with your friends and neighbors, your co-workers and family, letting them know Who He is and what He means to you.

Very soon the devil will try to take away your joy and peace.  He will tempt you to doubt the truth of your decision to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ – causing you to sin and fail, convincing you that you can never live the Christian life, so why try.  But the Bible says in I John 4:4, “Greater is He (Jesus) that is in you, than he (the devil) that is in the world.”  In Romans 8:37 it says, “We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.”

When you invited Jesus to come into your life, He came in the Person of the Holy Spirit, according to Ephesians 1:13 and Luke 11:13.  All that Jesus is, without His physical body, now lives in you, never to leave you or forsake you.

I pray God will bless you with deep assurance, based on your faith in His Word,

that your sins are forgiven,

that you have received eternal life,

that the Holy Spirit of God lives within you,

that Heaven is  your Home,

that you are forever the Father’s child,

that whenever the moment comes you are ready to meet Him face to face!

Welcome to His Family!

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(Please check out this website for Bible study resources.  I suggest you begin with Journey to Jesus, which is a free Bible study on the Gospel of John, including a video explanation of how to read your Bible in a meaningful way.  You might also want to sign up for our free e-devotion that will come to you each day with a Bible verse and brief explanation of what it means in your life).

Download the pdf version of this letter here.

Read more on Anne’s blog post, Be Sure of Heaven

Click the ‘play’ button below to watch Easter: A Love Story


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