
Walking with God

Once a week, I walk with a friend. We have two rules that we follow: we must walk at the same pace and we must walk in the same direction, or we won’t be walking together. The same two rules apply to walking with God. We must walk at His pace which is step-by-step obedience to His Word, and we must walk in His direction, which is the surrender of our will to His. Isn’t it time you took a walk with God?

Read Genesis 12:1-5

*Restate the command God gave to Abraham in v.1. Give the three phrases that indicate
Abraham’s obedience to that command in vs.4-5.

*How old was Abraham when he followed through on his commitment to pursue God?

*How old were you when you began to walk with God? Do you think you are too old to begin a lifetime commitment? Too young? Too busy? Too poor?

*What do you learn from the following people who also walked with God: Genesis 5:21-24 with Hebrews 11:5; Genesis 6:9 with Hebrews 11:7; Luke 24:13-27?

*What special promise is given to those who walk with God in 1 John 1:7? Claim it for yourself as you walk with God.

This Bible study was prepared especially for the Summer 2021 Newsletter.

 Download the PDF of this Bible study here to print or email.

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