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Spring 2019

Wherein I suffer trouble…even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.  — 2 Timothy 2:9 KJV

While I’ve been sidelined from my speaking schedule and have been homebound for months due to chemo treatments and radiation, praise God — His Word is unbound! One of my prayers has been that the ministry to which God has called me would continue uninterrupted through every means possible except my travel and personal appearances.

God’s answer to my prayer has come through letters, emails, and social media emphasizing that even though I am bound, God’s Word is not! Below are some testimonies we have received that underscore further answers to this prayer. To God be the glory!

What a blessing your book, Just Give Me Jesus, has been as a resource in my teaching of the book of John. I see that you wrote it back in the year 2000 but its insightfulness and impact in my life are felt today in the year 2019. (Janis, Just Give Me Jesus)

My beloved mother passed away four months ago… and I continue to miss her so very much. When reading chapter 8 in The Magnificent Obsession, Mourning Everything Hopefully, what you felt when your dear mother died, touched my heart. It has helped bring some solace to me, reassuring me that our Lord promised eternal life; we will see our loved ones again. And I must ask myself, “Do I believe?” And the answer is, “Yes!”…(Kathy, The Magnificent Obsession)

I just listened to one of Anne’s messages from January 20, her weekly radio broadcast. I KNOW God used you to speak to me because I heard you give the same message — ‘Are you losing your first love?’ It was so powerful! What a great teacher of God’s Word you are. And now today, 10 years later, I listened to this program, and it is the same message! Isn’t that just like God? To keep pursuing us, using people, places, and things to draw us to Himself. What are the chances I would open this app today and listen to THIS message, and it’s the same one that had profoundly affected me so many years ago? I know God is speaking to me. (Amy, Living in the Light radio program)

I am a missionary in Guatemala. . .God’s world is so big, yet He provides small connections in the most special ways! Today when I received this special ‘invitation’ devotion, I knew it was especially for me to use tomorrow at our Christmas luncheon with our artisans! I have been praying about what specifically to share with them, but knew that one part is a question I will ask them as we reflect on the greatest gift we have received, Jesus. I plan to ask them what they will give Him this Christmas and into 2019. This invitation seems the perfect leading into our discussion about His birthday celebration, and the gift we can give Him because of His great gift, salvation & relationship. Thank you for challenging me and so many others in our daily walk with Christ! (Tina, Blog, You Are Invited!)

Over the years, my mom has enjoyed the ministry of Anne Graham Lotz. Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in September, 2013. During the past five years Anne’s ministry of books and the CD, My Jesus is…Everything, continues in our family’s life. As Mom’s disease slowly robs her personality and memories, she continues to have her faith in Jesus. She carries around the book by the same title and lights up when the CD is played. At times, she sings along with her hands lifted in worship. Life’s concerns can be overwhelming but with our eyes focused on JESUS he can give us strength to face caring for a family member with Alzheimer’s. (Joy, My Jesus is Everything)

Join with me in continued prayer for God to breathe His life into all of our audios, videos, books, Bible studies, and radio broadcasts so that in these last moments of the last days, He will use us to draw people into His Word that they might know Him better.

A quotation, attributed to Charles Spurgeon, expressed it this way: “The Word of God is like a lion – you don’t have to defend it. All you have to do is let it loose, and the lion will defend itself”! And I pray our ministry will continue to let God’s Word loose…unbound!

For His glory,

Anne Graham Lotz

While waiting for an appointment, I went into the UNC Hospital gift shop. What a delight to find Fixing My Eyes on Jesus in the book carousel, made available to sick and suffering patients as well as to those who love them. To continue following my journey click here.

Forty years ago my husband began a Bible Study for men. Under Bo Batchelder’s leadership it has continued to thrive and grow. Even though I was bound by chemo at the time, it was my privilege to join them by skype video for a Q & A.

Pictured above is Patt Williams delivering Bibles to the Bethany Children’s Home in West Bengal, India. For all of the overseas Bible distribution, Feed the Hunger purchased Bibles locally seeking guidance from local partners as to the most age-appropriate Bible that would serve their ministry purposes.

A generous donor of AnGeL Ministries specifically allocated funds for Bibles to be given out. AnGeL Ministries used these funds to share 26,000 Bibles with various ministries earlier this year. AnGeL Ministries donated New Believer Bibles:

• 1,300 to Real Life Church (Rev. Reggie Stutzman) in the Bronx, NY for distribution at Thanksgiving
• 1,300 to Christian Library International for distribution in prisons

We also donated previously these designated Bible Funds:
• To Far Reaching Ministries for digital Bibles in Central Africa
• To the Good News Center ministry for distribution of Bibles in India
• To Uncharted Ministries for digital Bibles for Middle East / Central Europe
• To Feed the Hunger ministry for Bibles for children in foreign countries
• To Elohim Ministry for digital Bibles for international students

Bible Study: Let The Word Loose

Read 2 Timothy 2:8-10


  • What two facts about Jesus are we challenged to remember in verse 8?
  • What is significant about these facts?
  • How are these same 2 facts described in: John 1:1-3, 14? Romans 1:2-4? Give phrases for each fact.

Click here for the Bible Study especially developed for this newsletter.

Storming the Gates of Heaven

Prayer That Claims the Promises of God

In this abridgment of her bestselling book, The Daniel Prayer, Anne unlocks a powerful pattern of prayer for claiming the promises of God.

What is the secret to praying prayers that really “work”?  In Storming the Gates of Heaven, a plan for praying effective prayers that God answers is presented through unpacking the ancient prayer of the prophet Daniel, a prayer that moved heaven and changed a nation and one that even today can deliver on God ‘s promises. It’s a prayer birthed under pressure. Heartache. Grief. Desperation. Or a sudden revelation of hope.  A promise freshly received.  A miracle that lies just over the horizon.  Here is the secret to answered prayer!

We are delighted to offer free resources on our website page that complement this book. Please click here to download your choice of lock screens for your phone and a designed PDF download – PRAYER FOR THE BATTLE.order now button

Jesus in Me:
Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion

Available October 2019

In Jesus in Me, Anne draws on her rich biblical knowledge as well as her personal story—including her recent cancer journey—to help us understand that the Holy Spirit is not a magic genie, a flame of fire, or a vague feeling. He is a Person who prays for us, guides us in our relationships and decisions, comforts us in pain, and stays by our side at all times. In this simple, yet profound teaching, she explores seven key aspects of the Holy Spirit that will revolutionize how you understand and relate to this vital third Person in the Trinity.

Discover how to better love and rely on the Person of the Holy Spirit–and embrace how much He loves you.

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