Feb 28, 2013
Since the first day that you set your
mind to obtain understanding and to
humble yourself before your God,
your words were heard, and I have come
in response to them. But the prince of the
Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days…
Now I have come… Daniel 10:12-14
Sometimes I seem to get “stuck in prayer.” I pray and pray. I claim Scripture, holding God to His Word. I re-examine the request to make sure it’s in line with God’s will. And still… nothing. It’s as though something is blocking the answer. Resisting it. What I need is a Breakthrough!
This past month, God has encouraged me through a passage He seemed to highlight in my personal devotions from 2 Samuel 23:13-16. In this portion of Scripture, David was hiding from the enemy in the Cave of Adullam when he expressed his longing, Oh, that someone would get me a drink of water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem. Bethlehem was off-limits because it was behind the enemy lines. Philistines were camped all over that entire area. However, three of David’s mighty men heard him voice his desire, risked their lives to break through the enemy lines, got the water, and brought it back to him.
As I was thinking through David’s situation, I continued my devotional reading and came across Psalm145:19, which promises: He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will also hear their cry and will save them. (NASB) God seemed to whisper in my heart that the Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit were the three Mighty Ones who had heard my desire for a fresh outpouring of Living Water. They had not just risked life, but the Son had sacrificed His life in order to break through the enemy lines to make the Water available and accessible, and would pour it out on those for whom I was praying.
So I am praising God for His power to Breakthrough!