
Danny Lotz: God’s Gladiator

September 12, 2015

A Celebration of the Life and Legacy of Danny Lotz

(To watch on YouTube, click here.)

August 19, 2015

Danny Lotz was a chief among The King’s … mighty warriors. He gave His Kingship strong support to extend it over the whole land.  1 Chronicles 11:10

Danny and Anne would have been married for forty-nine years on September 2nd. At the age of fifty Danny developed a severe case of Adult 1 diabetes. For over ten years following his retirement from dentistry he fought the ravages of the disease, earning him the beloved nickname, God’s Gladiator. He lost the sight in one eye and the hearing in one ear. His heart disease required five stents in his arteries. His renal failure dictated three days of dialysis each week, five hours each time. And yet he never complained, never slowed down, never gave up, never stopped investing in the lives of others.

As a New Yorker he was plain spoken. As a German he was stubborn. As a Christian he was a compassionate servant leader. He was more than a man’s man. He was God’s man who triumphantly finished his race having fought the good fight, and having kept his faith firmly focused on the kingdom of God first.

He moved to our Father’s House on August 19, 2015 and received the accolade of his Savior, Lord, and King who presented him with the Crown of Righteousness. We salute you, Danny Lotz. And we will never forget you.

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21

Listen to Danny articulate his faith, as recorded when he was in Rehab, March 2015 :


Read here for more about the life of Danny Lotz.



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